The Cheviot - 2020
It was a glorious morning and the views and colours of the Harthope Valley were at their best as our group met at Langleeford. Although a much smaller number than usual due to the current Covid restrictions, the walkers were just pleased to be back out in the hills, and for two this was to be their first foray into the Cheviots.
It was agreed at the start that we would bypass Cold law so Mark led the group up to Scald Hill via Broadhope and then on to the Cheviot plateau. The steep ascent was at a leisurely pace with regular stops to enjoy the stunning panoramic views. As we made our way to the summit, Mark talked about the importance of preserving and restoring the Pennine (and Cheviot) peatlands and the measures which were being employed.
Lunch was taken at the head of the Harthope Burn amidst fields of cotton grass blowing in the breeze – a beautiful sight. The path down the valley, although rather boggy in parts, was a delight with the massives of The Cheviot and Hedgehope on either side.
As we returned to our starting point, everyone agreed it was lovely day. Let’s hope that for the rest of the walking season the number of participants can be increased.
Mark 14 July 2020
View all the guided walks we have coming up in Northumberland.