The Cheviot - 2019
After the rains of the past week, it was with some relief that as we met at Langleeford for the start of today’s walk, it was a dry and bright morning with the summits of Hedgehope and Cheviot clearly visible.
Mark introduced himself to the group of 10 walkers (and one dog, Timber) and welcomed everyone. He outlined the walk but advised that we may have to change part of the route as a result of the recent rainfall as the descent back down the Harthope Valley may be too dangerous.
The ascent of Cold law quickly had everyone’s heart pumping and layers of clothing discarded but wonderful panoramic views were enjoyed. After walking over Broadhope we encountered the first bogs of the day leading up to Scald Hill and these continued until we reached the stiff climb up The Cheviot. Lunch was taken on a rocky outcrop half way up at which time the temperature dropped and the first hint of moisture in the air was felt.
Suitably refreshed, our group safely arrived at the summit – our objective for the day - where It was much colder, windier and wetter After talking to walkers we met coming in the opposite direction, Mark decided (after taking a group consensus) to stick with the original route and descend down the Harthope valley following the burn. Whilst it was very wet underfoot the views down the valley and Hedgehope to our right were superb.
When the valley flattened out and we reached the first signs of human habitation and the farm track back to the cars, Mark thanked everyone for their company and complemented them on their fitness!
Mark 25 June 2019
View all the guided walks we have coming up in Northumberland.