Mouth of the Tyne - 2018
It was another beautiful Autumn morning as our small group of walkers met in the shadow of the historic Tynemouth Castle and Priory.
Our route took us passed the historic Admiral Lord Collingwood monument and along the riverside path to North Shields fish quay and the Shields Ferry terminal. Some of the old and new architecture is quite incredible. We saw the Black Middens rocks – clearly visible as the tide was out – and enjoyed wonderful views of the Tyne estuary. Mark talked about the career and legacy of Collingwood and also the disaster in 1864 which saw 5 ships destroyed on the rocks resulting in 34 seamen drowning and as a result the formation of Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade. Whilst waiting for the ferry to take us to South Shields, a huge cargo ship was being towed downstream to the open sea – presumably taking Nissan cars to foreign lands.
On reaching South Shields we followed the river bank past old dry docks before climbing a series of steps and on towards the ruined Roman fort of Arbeia. Mark mentioned briefly the life and times of the Venerable Bede and his historic works. Lunch was taken in glorious sunshine with more stunning views of the Tyne and the river traffic.
Once back on the North Shields side we retraced our steps to our starting point where Mark was able to provide some facts and history surrounding the castle and priory. This was not the usual type of Shepherds Walks but everyone found it very interesting and the fine weather made it even more enjoyable.
Mark October 20th 2018
View all the guided walks we have coming up in Northumberland.