Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills - Route - 13 miles

Please find below the route for the Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk, Cheviot Hills - 13 miles

Northern Pennine Way Challenge Walk - 13 miles


-- Sign up here --

Rowhope Road End to Linbriggs Farm

Date - Saturday 28th Sept 2024

Registration time – 8.00 - 8.30 am

Time to complete - 8 hours to complete

Entry fee (before 31st Jan 2024) - £34.50
Entry fee (after 1st Feb 2024) - £39.50

Distance - 13.5 miles

Difficulty - Difficult

Ascent - 2,175 feet (663 m)

Decent - 2,428 feet (740 m)

Registration - Linbriggs, near Alwinton

You can view the route online here (opens in a new window)

After registering at Linbriggs Farm, near Alwinton you will be bussed up to Rowhope Road End, the start of this 13 mile challenge walk.

You will climb up, passing through Checkpoint 1, and join the Pennine Way as it follows the Border Fence, between England and Scotland.

You will climb the mighty Windy Gyle and continue to follow the Pennine Way untill you reach Clennel Street. From here you will drop down to Checkpoint 2, located just before The Middle.

After passing over the Middle you drop down to Fairhaugh before following the beautiful  Usway Burn down to Shillmoor.

From Shillmoor it is just a short walk back to Linbriggs Farm, the finish of this challenge walk.

Each participant will receive a goody bag at the finish line.